Book Report on your supplemental reading: “A Loss for Words” by Lou Ann Walker S


Important - Read this before proceeding

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Book Report on your supplemental reading: “A Loss for Words” by Lou Ann Walker
Synthesize what you have learned through the class activities, textbook, lectures AND your own personal experiences, with the story of the family portrayed in this book. 
(we’ve learned how mouth reading is nearly impossible for the deaf culture, learned about CODA, learned about discrimination towards the deaf and hard of hearing culture, etc) 
Add your experiences from Deaf events or observations you’ve had. 
Select at least one quote from the book that supports your supposition. Try to relate your experiences from the perspective of the author. 
Provide supporting evidence from your life experiences. 
Quotes must be cited from the book to support ideas (chapters and pages). 
IMPORTANT: Do not summarize the book. Take your analysis to the next level and apply what you learned in the book to an original concept from this course or your life.
To understand Deaf Culture.
To understand minority cultures in America.
To be able to connect Deaf culture to your personal experiences.
To share a bit about who you are.
What to Do
Synthesize what you have learned through the class activities, textbook, lectures AND your own personal experiences, with the story of the family portrayed in this book. 
Add your experiences from Deaf events or observations you’ve had. 
Select at least one quote from the book that supports your supposition. Try to relate your experiences from the perspective of the author. 
Provide supporting evidence from your life experiences.
Minimum 2 pages. 
Must be typed double spaced, 12 pt, Arial or Times New Roman font.

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